This blog is an account of my day to day life, and a place for me to scribble my random thoughts. I know that it will end up as a mixture of everything, comprising of every mood under the sun.

Enjoy ^_^



So, an odd title for a blog, n'est pas. Mamihlapinatapai is a yaghan word which is undefinable in English. I found it on a article of 10 words which English needs to take. For example we have recently started using schadenfreude.

So what is it? It describes "a look shared by two people with each wishing that the other will initiate something that they both desire but which neither one wants to start." More importantly, why would I bother to write a blog about it?

Well I think there is a word for it; Love. It's certainly my opinion of love. When I got to France I met this girl who I instantly had a crush on, but she was in a relationship. We became friends and then she split up with her boyfriend. She started going out with someone else and it felt like we were never going to get together, no matter how much I wanted it.

She has since moved to England for her course, and we've stayed in touch, but she's been giving hints that she actually wants something with me. She keeps saying it would be great for me to go there, or to Germany when she goes there, or that she could come back here.

At some point between when we met and now, I fell in love. And yet I'm still not sure what to do, and now I think she's the same. I would do anything for her, more than I would do for myself. Surely that's a description of love, or as close to what can actually be described by words.

So here's the real problem; I don't know what to do. I know what I want to do, but it's not possible right now cos we're so far apart. I know what I need to do, but it will probably drive me insane.

A link :O

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