This blog is an account of my day to day life, and a place for me to scribble my random thoughts. I know that it will end up as a mixture of everything, comprising of every mood under the sun.

Enjoy ^_^


The Originally Titled Blog Number 2

So, after posting a blog yesterday, I have enjoyed a nice change in mood. After feeling down for a while I'm now happy and I can't put my finger on why. I was ill so I didn't wake up til 4pm, and I haven't done much today. A bit of surfing the net and watching the Will Smith film Hitch. However I shall not complain and I shall live in the moment.

I am now planning travel for the week off I have at the end of February, about a month from now. I shall be travelling back to Lancaster and then on to Paris, something which surely has to be done when studying French. I can't wait!!

What's that I hear? You want to know a bit more about me? Ok, carrying on with the entertainment theme I shall say that I also read a lot and watch a lot of films. I'm currently reading 'The Shining' and it is fast becoming my favourite book. I also like reading a lot of Dan Brown style books, the easy reading being a very good thing for me. I also love the Harry Potter books.

Films; As with music, sport and books I like a wide variety of films. I have a load of action, comedy, romance, horror. I particularly like foreign films, give me anything French or by Studio Ghibli and I'll definitely watch it.

Deviating from the idea of having a song at the end of every blog, here's a link to the IMDB review of Hitch:

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