This blog is an account of my day to day life, and a place for me to scribble my random thoughts. I know that it will end up as a mixture of everything, comprising of every mood under the sun.

Enjoy ^_^


If I were to do something stupid, how long until it bites me on the arse?

Hello once more

It's really not been long since my last post, but I can't sleep and so I'm writing another. I've been thinking recently about my tendency to mess things up. I can't get through the day without doing something stupid, and I find it's only a matter of time until karma comes knocking.

The problem is that I don't know I'm doing something stupid, I live in the moment and don't look at the long game enough. I'll give you an example, something that probably too many people do; when I meet someone I like then I get scared to do the wrong thing, but if they like me back and give off hints as such, even if they are blatant, I miss them. I'll then realise after I've left and beat myself up about it. How do I stop this?

It's something so simple, but I seem to find myself in this situation far too often. As a result I then become too forward and scare women off, I haven't been in a relationship for nearly 2 years :S

I'm not letting it bring me down right now, I'm enjoying single life, but it would be nice to have someone more than a friend to be there for me all the time.

It's not exactly one of my favourites, but this song sums it up pretty perfectly. Apart from the gender differences obviously.

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